For Fire, Emergency Medical, or Police Emergencies call 911
All properties in Hayes Township are given fire protection from the Otsego County Fire Department. For the current fiscal year, the township is paying nearly $65,040 for fire protection for our citizens and taxpayers.
With the cooperation of the board of directors of Lake Arrowhead, a dry hydrant has been re-built to serve the residents of the township. With the cooperation of the Wilderness Valley board of directors, there is a dry hydrant located at Wilderness Valley. There is also a dry hydrant located within the Horicon Corporation properties.
The Otsego County Fire Board is made up with representatives from the City of Gaylord and Bagley, Chester, Dover, Hayes and Livingston townships. Each year the budget is prepared and each unit of government is billed for the proportional share of population and equalized value.
The Otsego County Ambulance Corporation (EMS) covers the entire county. With the continued growth of this region, their board of directors has approved acquiring additional equipment including rescue items to better serve the needs of the public. Run volumes continue to increase while the reimbursement rates decrease.
The Otsego County Sheriff’s Department and the Michigan State Police personnel provide services in our township. Their responsibilities are varied in nature but they are available to assist when needed.
The Otsego County Road Commission has the responsibility of maintaining the roads within our county. This includes our portion of I-75 as well as state highway and local roads.
Each year the township and the road commission decide the construction schedule for the summer months, based on available funding and needs. Safety is always number one when deciding the priority of projects. Hayes Township contracted with the Otsego County Road Commission for improvements to Manuka Trail and Springgay Road . For all these projects, your tax dollars have enabled the township to pursue the improvements for the better travel and safety of the citizens and tourists alike.
Hayes Township is fortunate to have a good working relationship with all the units of government and agencies. Choices always have to be made with available funds but progress does continue!